NEWBURGH, NYGTI Graphic Technology, Inc., a leading manufacturer of lighting systems for critical color viewing, color communication, and color match assessment, has donated a MiniMatcher-4e to the Sonoco Institute of Packaging and Graphics at Clemson University.

The MiniMatcher-4e is a desktop color matching booth with a 14.25-in x 24-in x 16-in viewing area. It includes five light sources with a built-in daylight timer and an illuminated push button control that confirms which light source is selected. Light sources include artificial daylight (D50, D65 or D75), store light (CWF or TL84), home light (Incandescent A), ultraviolet and an optional source (D50, D65, D75, TL84, TL83, Horizon, or LED). The MM-4e is easily programmable to provide one touch automatic light source sequencing; automatic sequencing provides a fixed viewing time for each source.

The MiniMatcher will provide Clemson students in several academic programs hands-on experience seeing how light and color interact. This will emphasize the importance of considering the end-use environment when making color decisions and the importance of following industry standards during the production process, better preparing them for the workforce.

The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics combines the expertise of the graphic communication and packaging science programs of Clemson University to provide a one-of-a-kind multidisciplinary approach to packaging as a core competency. In addition to providing students the best education in packaging science and graphic communications possible, the Sonoco Institute offers research and development, consulting services, print testing and evaluation, and a range of training programs.

“We are excited to be adding the GTI MiniMatcher-4e to our state-of the-art product portfolio. The Sonoco Institute’s training sessions emphasize the importance of having the proper tools and processes in place to effectively manage and communicate a brand color. The MiniMatcher will help us reach this objective,” says Bobby Congdon, assistant director at the Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics.

Robert McCurdy, president of GTI, comments, “The Sonoco Institute has an outstanding reputation and offers students the best possible learning experience, and we are pleased to support their efforts. A GTI color matching booth will allow the program’s participants to see first-hand how different light sources affect a color’s appearance, to test for metamerism, and to review printed color pieces in a viewing booth that conforms to industry standards.”