What is the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership?

The Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP) is the only independent organization that provides a third-party certification of a graphic communication facility’s sustainability program. FTA serves on its Board of Directors, promotes participation and represents the flexographic community in program development.

Why should my facility get certified by SGP?

SGP is recognized as a certification program that provides significant value by assuring a more sustainable supply chain. It allows a facility to differentiate itself by having an independent validation of its sustainability program. SGP certified facilities meet customer’s demands for a sustainable supply chain. The program helps identify operational improvements in all areas of the facility, including reducing operating costs, waste, energy consumption and pollution, injuries, and more.

New Case Study: How SGP Certification Inspired Earth Friendly Products to Go Carbon Neutral 

What companies can apply?

Any company involved in printing located in the United States, Canada or Australia using any print process is eligible. SGP also certifies in-plant printing operations, and printing departments within educational institutions (e.g. schools, universities, community colleges, etc.).

What are the general requirements to become SGP certified?

First, and foremost, all facilities must be in compliance with all applicable environmental, safety, health and employment regulations. SGP facilities must have an active sustainability management system; an annual continuous improvement project; bi-annual environmental, safety, health and energy audits; implemented mandatory best management practices; and completed the program’s required metrics form.

What is the purpose of the criteria’s Sustainability Management System (SMS)?

The SMS provides the management framework for continuous improvement, which is the cornerstone of sustainability. Those printing operations that have achieved success with their program have implemented a management approach that is both systematic and systemic.

What does the audit process entail?

Within one year of applying, the facility must schedule an on-site audit. Certain documentation included in the criteria must be submitted before the audit to ensure that the facility is ready for the visit. A typical audit takes a full day to complete. Once a facility has established a track record of compliance with the criteria, it may be eligible for a desk top audit in lieu of onsite during its next certification cycle. The desk top audit is done remotely and is therefore is a lower cost and does not involve auditor travel.

Are there multi-location options?

If your corporation has three or more locations seeking certification, SGP has a program to incorporate all locations into an umbrella program. To get details, contact SGP at [email protected].

Do we need to hire a consultant to go through the process?

No. Many facilities have completed the certification process using only internal staff. SGP provides a number of resources to guide you through the process and understand the criteria. Supporting industry associations are able to provide assistance.

How much does it cost to get certified?

The application, audit and annual fees are found on the SGP website.

How long does certification last?

Facilities are certified for two years. During that time, certified printers must complete an annual project and submit an annual report. They must reapply for certification and have an audit every two years to maintain certification.

Additional Benefits for Printers in Select States!

GREEN MAP: The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) provides an online map of all 50 states and indicates which ones have green procurement practices. Click on any state on the Green Map to get details of its green procurement program, with contact information provided.

NEW YORK: New York was the first state to preference SGP facilities for procurement of printed products. Executive Order 4 (EO 4) established a State Green Procurement and Agency Sustainability Program, directs state agencies, public authorities and public benefit corporations to green their procurements and to implement sustainability initiatives. Under the recently released EO 4, New York State entities are encouraged to issue contracts for printing in which contractors meet SGP criteria.
WISCONSIN: The Green Tier program recognizes Wisconsin companies and businesses for superior environmental performance and encourages businesses to move beyond compliance with regulations. With the recognition of SGP certification, printers are able to use SGP certification to gain entry to Green Tier.

What is FTA’s role with SGP?

FTA is a SGP Resource Partner and founder of the organization. SGP is now fully independent with its own Board of Directors in which FTA has a permanent seat. FTA fully supports SGP’s mission and assists its members through the certification process.

SGP Resource Partner Logo Color

How can I get on SGP’s contact list and learn more?

Visit the SGP website or contact Sustainability Consultant Doreen Monteleone.

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