Dr. Danny Rich Joins the FTA Hall of Fame

Dr. Danny Rich is the second individual inducted through the FTA Legacy Hall of Fame.
FIRST 7.0 Debuts at Fall Conference 2022

The 25th-anniversary edition of FTA’s FIRST debuts with the seventh iteration of its flexographic specifications guide, FIRST 7.0, at Fall Conference 2022.
What’s New in FIRST 7.0
FIRST evolved over time and expanded as print segments changed and flexographic print capabilities improved. The latest version, FIRST 7.0, contains numerous modifications.
Discussing FTA Fall Conference 2021’s Technical Content, INFOFLEX-Branded Exhibit & More with John Gleich

Fall Conference 2021’s Program Chair John Gleich explains its theme, technical content, INFOFLEX at Fall Conference exhibit and why flexographers need to attend.
How Fusion Flexo Embraces HYBRID Software’s Workflow Suite & Its Workflow for an Actual Job

Fusion Flexo explains how it utilizes HYBRID Software’s CLOUDFLOW Intelligent Flexo—a 2021 FTA Technical Innovation Award winner—in an actual job.
Anilox Cell Configuration Betters Delivery Without Compromising Consistency

How anilox cell geometry and configuration better delivery without compromising consistency.
The Benefits of Expanded Gamut Printing: Savings, Stability, Fast Turnaround

Intelligent use of ink sets minimizes the visual effect of press drift during long pressruns, according to a study.
Remembering Sam Gilbert

An industry friend, mentor and teacher passed away in November 2020.
FIRST Advocate Stresses Importance of Optimization, Fingerprinting, Characterization

The importance of optimization, fingerprinting and characterization.
FQC Update: Bimonthly, Tech Focus Webinar Set for February Debut

The latest initiative, a bimonthly FQC/FIRST Tech Focus webinar, will debut in February