Bosisio Pushes Boundaries of Efficient Flexography with Miraclon

Miraclon Bosisio Roberto Sixto

Bosisio has become the first company in Argentina to offer its customers the increased productivity and reduced downtime enabled by PureFlexo Printing from Miraclon. The recent Global Flexo Innovation Award winner that received Highest Honors in addition to their Gold Award, has been utilizing KODAK FLEXCEL NX Technology since 2013 to differentiate themselves from other trade shops.

Bosisio, Celomat SA and Mondelez Validate Flexographic Expanded Gamut in Miraclon’s Global Flexo Innovation Awards

Bosisio Variedad

An important benefit of holding awards programs at regular intervals is the snapshot of emerging industry trends that the entries provide. In the latest round of the Miraclon-sponsored Global Flexo Innovation Awards (GFIA), one noticeable trend identified by the judging panel was a growing acknowledgement among converters and brand owners of the cost savings, productivity and sustainability benefits that expanded gamut (EG) printing delivers—of how, in the judges’ words, “EG gives brand owners an edge in meeting today’s market demands.”