Forum 2017, is the INFO*FLEX infoflex2017_35yrs_datelocaExhibition. It is the only opportunity in 2017 for showcasing the newest products and services among the decision makers and who’s who of the package printing/converting industry. The time leading up to this epic event provides unparalleled visibility for those who choose to join their piers on the showroom floor at the Phoenix Convention Center May 1-2.

“Those investing in a space at the Phoenix Convention Center for the event prepare months in advance,” said Jay Kaible, FTA’s director of membership and business development. “Reserving your turnkey booth now gives exhibitors five months to plan for the spring event and gain all of the free exposure through our website, magazine and industry partners that is possible.”

FTA’s website, media channels, online advertisements and FLEXO’s print and online publications provide exposure to tens of thousands of global professionals during the months leading up to the number one networking event for the entire package printing and converting industry.

The  INFO*FLEX Exhibition celebrates its 35 anniversary in 2017. Attendees can expect a bustling convention hall occupied by more than 240 of the industry’s top suppliers and their solutions, providing for two days of intensive networking activity and side-by-side comparisons of the latest technologies.  Over 87% of the total 310 booths have already been sold. Call Jay Kaible, FTA director of business development today at (631)737-6020 to reserve now!

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About FTA: Flexographic Technical Association (FTA), chartered in 1958, is a professional society dedicated to bringing all members of the flexographic printing community—printers, suppliers, consumer product companies, institutions, prepress houses and others–together by providing opportunities for the free exchange of technical ideas and discussion of mutual concerns. It is a proponent of maintaining and advancing quality standards and includes 1,650 member sites that represent more than 1,400 companies and 35,000 individuals. Foundation of FTA, founded in 1974, is the educational arm of FTA and is dedicated to supporting and advancing the flexographic printing industry.