BOHEMIA, NY – Nov. 30, 2017 – Registration is now open for Flexographic Technical Association’s (FTA) Forum & INFOFLEX 2018, which will take place in Indianapolis, IN., May 6-9. Forum event themed “Bringing It All Together: Processes,People and Potential” is set to be hosted at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. Across the Skywalk, INFOFLEX will be “Where the Worlds of Package Printing and Converting Technologies Successfully Intertwine” at the Indiana Convention Center on May 7 and 8.

“The growth we are seeing in flexible packaging has been phenomenal,” said Forum Chair, Bob Coomes, Plastic Packaging Technologies, LLC. “This makes it even more important for those serving within the industry to identify trends in the consumer space; keep up with the latest in technology; and raise up a strong, productive work force that will meet tomorrow’s challenges today. I believe that the session speakers at Forum 2018 will provide many ideas, insights and solutions that are relevant to those attending. It’s also a great opportunity to hear from industry experts and network with others within the “flexo-family.” There will be something for everyone.”

Sessions will cover topics including the future of flexo, process improvements, equipment purchasing, understanding the customer’s customer, the importance of the press approval process, the role company culture and leadership play in a successful work environment, and so much more.

Full Forum early bird rates, which end March 30, can save attendees up to $350. Registration includes Forum’s nine technical sessions, a seat at the Annual Awards Banquet, entry to walk the show floor at INFOFLEX and the Monday Evening Social. Attendees seeking entry only to the INFOFLEX Exhibition will have access to the more than 240 exhibits at the Indiana Convention Center on both days, as well as the Monday Evening Social.

Joining Coomes as Forum 2018 Co-chair is Ann Michaud, 3M. For complete details about the events visit or contact Eileen Cosma, FTA marketing manager at 631-737-6020 ext. 130. Those interested in exhibiting at INFOFLEX or becoming an event sponsor can contact Jay Kaible, FTA’s director of membership and business development, today at 631-737-6020 ext. 120.

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About FTA: Flexographic Technical Association (FTA), chartered in 1958, is a professional society dedicated to bringing all members of the flexographic printing community—printers, suppliers, consumer product companies, institutions, prepress houses and others–together by providing opportunities for the free exchange of technical ideas and discussion of mutual concerns. It is a proponent of maintaining and advancing quality standards and includes 1,650 member sites that represent more than 1,400 companies and 35,000 individuals. Foundation of FTA, founded in 1974, is the educational arm of FTA and is dedicated to supporting and advancing the flexographic printing industry.