LANSKROUN, CR—SOMA, producer of flexographic printing presses, plate mounters, slitter rewinders and laminators—and co-founding partner along with MacDermid of the Flexo Xperience Center (FXC), Atlanta, GA—is pleased to announce that it has installed a new SOMA Optima2 flexo press at the facility. The second generation Optima2 features the FTA Technical Innovation award winning Changeover Wizard. The press is currently up and running and is available for demonstrations and industry testing. It was recently showcased during the Expanded Color Gamut event held at FXC in June 2023.

The FXC brings many of the industry’s best innovation providers together in one place. From design to post-press and evaluation, the FXC is a flexo center that provides hands-on experience with the latest technologies through collaboration, research, experimentation, and learning. Its objective is to help everyone achieve excellence in the flexo process and to “Move Flexo Forward.” 

The SOMA Optima2 flexo press has earned a global reputation as an outstanding, easy to operate flexo press, especially for short runs. The press features the SOMA IRIS (Intelligent Register and Impression Setting) system for automatic job settings, which helps bring Intelligent Automation to a facility.

To meet the challenges of efficient changeovers with inexperienced operators, visitors to the FXC can learn how novices can master job changeovers with the SOMA Changeover Wizard, an innovative component of new SOMA Optima2 flexo presses, and recipient of a prestigious 2022 FTA Technical Innovation Award. The SOMA Changeover Wizard flexo press user interface guides press operators throughout all the steps involved changing from one job to the next. In doing so, it reduces the number of tasks or may shorten tasks required, defines their optimal order, and automates as many steps as possible, minimizing operator error. 

In related news, Kamil Sawicki, an experienced flexo press operator, has arrived at The FXC as the resident high-speed print specialist, dedicated to all press activities there. Sawicki will manage all activities at the pressroom, and is also part of the broader SOMA support team dedicated to the US market.

Sawicki has spent the past few months training on all features of the SOMA Optima2 flexo press. He has also been a print specialist and later as a senior flexographic printer at one of the leading printing and converting companies in the UK. He brings with him exceptional mechanical and process engineering skills.

“Kamil is a terrific addition to the FXC staff. He understands the entire range of SOMA Optima printing presses and has extensive work experience operating flexo printing presses in daily high-pressure environments,” comments Garrett Taylor, SOMA North America Sales Director. “While test runs are certainly part of the agenda, collaboration with FXC partners, educating visitors about flexographic printing, and training novice and experienced press operators are vital parts of his role. Kamil will also be providing SOMA resources for research projects so we can move flexo forward. There are so many areas that can be covered, from improved quality and efficiencies, to assuring successful extended gamut implementations and building on sustainable solutions. Kamil is skilled and ready to offer his technical expertise.”