Left to right: Randy Lewis, Dan Trowbridge, Tony Zanfino, Paul Hallberg, Mark Block, Cory Willson, David High, Joan Stone, Larry Peter, Tessa Armstrong, David Baxter, Gretchen Houser, Doug Anders, Scott Eilbert, Jill Meier, Tom Young

NEVADA, IA—Each year Priority Envelope performs several TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) Kaizen (continuous improvement) events within the production area. These events are a highly structured team process for updating equipment and making it new again.

Once a piece of equipment is designated as the target, a team is assembled of associates from various departments throughout the organization. The team has one to three weeks to complete the event, during which time the member’s only responsibility is to the project. Early morning team meetings, working lunches and long hours are the norm during this time.

Goals are set prior to the process to gauge the improvements through scope sheets and lean manufacturing methodologies. In July, the Kaizen team spent three weeks making the Aqua line new again.

Priority Envelope teams up with a few of its sponsors and suppliers (i.e. W+D, Multi-Plastics, etc.) to ensure that continuous improvement remains a focus. The company invites its sponsors to participate in and learn from its efforts.