
Partnering on Advancement

The premedia companies feature in this article are the first eight to achieve XPS Plate Certification in North America. “We have a very positive outlook for the future of flexography and are particularly bullish on the role of the premedia company” states Julian Fernandez, flexo business development manager, Esko. He notes that while more than 300 LED plate exposure devices have been installed to date, certification did not start in North America until March of this year.

Esko Samworth Sidebar 1

“Our original plan for this article was to feature four XPS certified premedia companies, but before Mark conducted his first interview in May, eight premedia companies had applied for certification.” During writing, a stream of additional certifications came in. “It makes it challenging to be fair to all of our premedia partners. We’re all in this together. Improving flexography is our ultimate goal!” Anyone wishing to obtain an up-to-date list of XPS Crystal-certified premedia companies is encouraged to email [email protected] or [email protected].

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