The industry is always looking for ways to predict how long photopolymer flat plates and ITR (in-the-round) photopolymer sleeves will last in a press. How many times can plates and ITR polymer sleeves be reused?

From experience, there is no standard to the predictability of plate life or the reuse of plates or sleeves. Twenty years ago, the goal was to get 1 million feet of production on one run or over several runs. The next question becomes: Why can one printer get 2 million feet of production and the next printer with the same plate material only get 500,000 feet? Every printer you ask will give you a different number it expects to get.

The problem is there are so many factors that influence the life of photopolymer plate material. It is completely up to printers and the choices they make, based on their needs.

Plate Variables Revealed

Some of the factors that influence plate life are:

This list has many important operating conditions and things to think about when managing your own facility. Flat top dots and surface screen technology have also improved plate life in many operations. If you are not using these technologies, it may be worth looking into for your process. This list can always be expanded; the factors affecting plate life are many and deserve some careful study.

Optimize for Fit

Performing press optimization for the best run conditions of the press is needed to identify best plate material. In today’s environment with the constant changing of technologies in both the plates and press accessories, it is more important than ever to work on continuous improvement of the plates. The payback can be huge on quality of print and life of the plates. Therefore, allotting press time for plate testing is critical to success.

In-the-round sleeves and flat plate options require different care to enhance performance and extend life.
Photo courtesy of OEC Graphics

Photopolymer ITR sleeves can be a way to improve both the quality of print and plate life. It is normally expected that you will see two to three times the life of flat plates. If you take a job that you have a history of running and track the plate life from flat plate to polymer ITR, it’s not uncommon to experience better life using polymer ITR sleeves when run under the same conditions as flat plates. The upfront cost comparison does not show the total picture until the total cost savings in plate life and runability is reviewed.

Today’s photopolymer sleeves have many advantages that offer cost savings and quality improvements. There are different durometer plate materials that can be used. Some processes use an open cell mounting tape so that the tape can handle plate bounce better. The tape also does not collapse as easily from over impression. Some printers will reuse the close cell mounting tape to cut costs. This does shorten the life of the flat because the cushion is gone. Manufacturers have a number of different durometer tapes to match the printing conditions.

Polymer ITR sleeves also have flat top dots and HD screening can be applied. On long runs and short runs that require the sleeve to be taken on and off the plate cylinder, plate edge lift is eliminated. ITR does not have to be mounted, saving time, material and labor costs. Stripping flat plates with the plan to reuse can result in damaged plates not being discovered until remounting. Then new plates have to be produced, delaying the press schedule. The ITR of today can be used on any type of substrate, allowing all markets to take advantage of its benefits.

Plate life comes down to the handling and care given to the photopolymer material. From plate processing to plate handling before going on press and after being in the press, to running in the press—all steps make a difference.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#f6a747″ class=”” size=””]“The factors affecting plate life are many and deserve some careful study.”[/perfectpullquote]

Plate Prep & Placement

Below are some of the recommended cleaning and storage tips for photopolymer plates. It is widely known how important it is to have clean plates to run quality print.

With good care and management, today’s plates can last far longer than they could just a short four or five years ago. Working closely with your plate supplier as technologies change, you will benefit from the continuous improvement of print quality and plate life that will give you a competitive edge in your chosen market.

About the Author

headshot Bruce Pagel
Bruce Pagel, senior technical sales manager, is OEC Graphics’ printing manufactory technical adviser who consults with customers press side, providing resolutions to troublesome technical problems. Bruce has more than 30 years of hands-on experience in the printing industry. He is a valuable operational resource that contributes to the advancement of OEC Graphics’ continuous improvements programs, along with the management of overall print quality for customers.