LENEXA, KSKocher + Beck, a market leader in rotary diecutting technology, held its annual sales meeting on January 9-13 in Lenexa, KS.

David Morris (right) presenting a plaque to Kees Nijenhuis (left)

The meeting was led by David Morris, president and CEO, and Jim Kissner, national sales manager. Topics discussed were the notable sales growth seen during 2017, market trends, new technology, as well as goals for 2018. The meeting was followed by an informative roundtable discussion led by various members of the sales team.

Kocher + Beck hosted Kees Nijenhuis, who was vice president of MPS Systems North America Inc. at the time of the meeting, as their guest speaker. His presentation provided the sales team with an in-depth understanding of MPS and its products, in addition to the current market and the future of the printing press industry.