Jennye Scott is the vice president of creative services at Berry Global. She holds a seat on FTA’s Board of Directors and is very involved in FTA functions and committees. Over the years, she has chaired FORUM, spoken at many of its functions across the country, and represented it at the Flexible Packaging & Label Manufacturers Association’s Australian print conference in 2017. Scott is a recipient of a 2015 FTA President’s Award and in 2020 was selected by Plastic News to be honored in the plastic industry as one of the “2020 Women Breaking the Mold.”
Women of Flexo recently had the opportunity to ask about her career.

WOMEN OF FLEXO: Did you plan on a career in flexography?
JENNYE SCOTT: No. When I started at Berry Global (31 years ago), it only had two printing locations and its printing method was dry offset. It wasn’t until the team started producing laminate tubes that we got into narrow web flexographic printing (2006/2007).
However, as Berry acquired some wide web printing companies, we really got involved in flexography. It was then that we joined FTA and met a great group of people—friends and resources. Since there is no school to teach you how to separate prepress work for dry offset, much less how to print dry offset, it was very refreshing to have a flexographic group to tap into and learn from.
WOF: Who has been the most influential mentor in your career?
SCOTT: I have had a few mentors who have had an influence on my life in my career over the past 31 years. Whether it was my immediate bosses—both women and men—or other department leaders that I worked with, I learned many different skills and mannerisms from them through my career. I have also learned from working with many different types of customers, whether internal or external. The diversity of people that I have worked with has helped me to become “easily adaptable” to most anyone. Some of my most memorable learning experiences include dealing with difficult customers and working to try to win them over—this is one area where I strive to do my best to exceed their expectations.
WOF: Have you ever experienced obstacles you believe are unique to being a female in this industry?
SCOTT: You know, I will be the first to tell you that I don’t know everything about the flexographic process, but I know enough about the basics and what is right vs. wrong. I am the type of person where if I believe in something, I am its biggest fan. This is how I feel specifically about FIRST (Flexographic Image Reproduction Specifications & Tolerances).
As I mentioned, with no schooling in dry offset, I was very excited to know there were many tools, schools and groups to join to learn about flexography. Plus, there is a book that you can reference! With all of this info, and a certification to show you know what you are doing, why wouldn’t every flexographic printer sign up? But, since I am the “Graphics Girl,” sometimes I am not taken seriously when it comes to promoting this awesome program.
But that’s OK. I will keep preaching the story and sharing my enthusiasm!
WOF: What do you wish young professionals knew right now?
SCOTT: Well, for those who are in this industry, if you aren’t involved in Women of Flexo, you are missing out! I get energized at every meeting, and I thrive when I can connect with others about our committee and its mission. I love meeting new people and I find it interesting that it doesn’t matter that we are connecting with competitors in the business—We are all women striving for the same thing.
WOF: What book/podcast are you currently reading/listening to?
SCOTT: During the summer, our talent development group put on a series of events that included Leadership at Berry Emotional Intelligence, Collaboration, Constructive Feedback, Agility, etc. They are one-and-a-half hours long and they start with a Berry executive offering a viewpoint on the topic being discussed. I try to listen while traveling to and from work. What I am finding out is that listening to these positive courses helps to get my day rounded out with positive information at the beginning and end of my day!
WOF: What industry groups or associations do you find most helpful and why?
SCOTT: I love being involved in FTA, whether it is to speak at a conference, co-chair the prepress section of the FIRST book, co-chair FORUM, or be on the FTA Board. I am super stoked to be involved in Women of Flexo and am looking forward to developing this committee to be something great in FTA!
I always try to find somewhere to “get in.” This industry is full of great people who are all truly willing to help you in your career. I love to meet new people, so if you have any questions about Women of Flexo or career questions, I would be happy to connect!
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