NASHVILLE, TN—As part of a new level of leadership at Dixie Graphics Inc., CEO Matt Williams announced the promotion of Jay Gieske to director of premedia.

Gieske joins Sherry McKinzey, director of accounting and administration for Dixie Graphics Inc., and Amy McNeil, director of creative and business development for the company’s Showdog Brand Handlers division.

As director of premedia, Gieske will lead the company’s graphics, proofing, color management, plating and customer service areas of the business as well as their teams.

“There’s no one more dialed in to our customers’ needs and expectations and how to meet them than Jay,” Williams said. “He is incredibly, technically intuitive in identifying what we can do to make a customer’s business better.”

Gieske recently celebrated 30 years with the company—he began in customer service there—and spent many years in sales serving major customers. Gieske had been senior manager premedia prior to the announcement of his new role.