LA CROSSE, WIInland Packaging, a leader in advanced packaging and label printing, announced that 12 of its employees have been certified by the Flexographic Technical Association (FTA), the world’s leading professional society dedicated to the advancement of flexographic printing processes.

The FTA currently offers three individual Flexographic Imaging Reproduction Specifications and Tolerances (FIRST) certifications that recognize expert proficiency within a specific area of the flexographic workflow. They are: FIRST Press Operator (POC), FIRST Prepress Operator (PPC) and FIRST Implementation Specialist (ISC). These certifications, awarded exclusively by FTA, enable individuals to bring increased levels of proficiency to their day-to-day tasks, allowing them to provide high-quality flexographic services to customers.

The following Inland employees earned their prominent FIRST certifications by passing a 30-week course including rigorous and comprehensive examinations, which have been designed specifically to test for knowledge and to prove they have advanced competency in their areas of flexographic expertise.

FIRST Prepress Operator Certification:
Aaron Frost
Angie Shimshak
Ashley Iwanski
Doug Andrus
Julie Maliszewski
Tarah Tomczak
Todd Phillips

FIRST Press Operator Certification:
Bill Rydzik
Devon Hentosh
Kevin Hall
Tim Schultz
Bob Will

“Completing the FTA’s FIRST training allows Inland’s press and prepress operators to have master level knowledge of the flexographic printing process, stated Amy Jungerberg, director of prepress at Inland. “We are extremely proud of the operators who have participated in this training and their commitment to helping Inland lead the flexographic industry.”