Sample Solutions

SWEDCUT Doctor Blades: Today’s North American pressrooms recognize the critical role the right blade plays in their success. They know not all blades are the same and that using a more expensive blade can save them money every day.
FlexoArt Chamber System:-No leak chamber systems help to eliminate leaking and back doctoring—returning profit back to each job. An easy retrofit solution with a quick turn on ROI increases print quality and reduces downtime. Compare the before retrofit (left) with after, (right).

G2 ProSeal: A line of seals developed and manufactured specifically to overcome common challenges for almost every chambered system in existence. Unfortunately, we find many existing end seals do not meet basic physical or application requirements – in other words they leak. In these applications, we are forced to learn exactly why existing seals leak and develop a custom seal.


A line of cut-resistant doctor blade handling gloves that also protects hands from harsh chemicals. Also included is a blade edge safety guard that protects a blade’s critical edge from nicks, but also the hands of those that come into contact with a blade.

PTC Service Program

The PTC Program is designed to provide intensive initial operator training centered on fundamental best practices, followed by ongoing compliance training. The program’s focus is on the basics of doctor blades, anilox rolls, printing plates, ink, and substrate interface, but we also provide operators with important troubleshooting techniques tailored to their reality. In addition, we offer supervisors and managers methods for monitoring ongoing compliance.

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