HINGHAM, MAGMG Color announced that it will be actively participating in Virtual Fall Conference 2020, to be held online from Oct. 5-7 from the FTA’s Virtual Conference Center. Virtual Fall Conference 2020 will blend virtual platforms and technology. It leverages first-class technologies to provide attendees with a seamless learning and networking.

Virtual Fall Conference 2020 attendees will be able to connect with GMG, a virtual exhibitor, for one-on-one meetings from Oct. 5-7. For the seven days following the event—Oct. 8-14—anyone can visit GMG to video conference with technical experts, see product demonstrations and have specific questions answered.

GMG will be focusing on a number of new technologies, including:

GMG is also available for conversations about any product in its portfolio: For example, GMG ColorProof has been a preferred solution for efficient and safe contract proofing. With the increasing use of multi-color printing and different combinations of inks, substrates, screening and other variables, packaging printing involves a lot of color fingerprints and profile tweaking. GMG OpenColor software, a past recipient of the InterTech Technology and FTA Technical Innovation awards, is always a GMG highlight.

On Oct. 7 at 10 a.m., one of the conference sessions will provide an overview of “Print Quality Scoring: Friend or Foe?

“Building a Solid Foundation for Measurable Success,” will be covered by Paul Biernat, brandkey graphics, and Marc Levine, director of business development, GMG Americas. Attendees can find out what a print standardization program’s big-picture objective is, and the steps brand owners and printers can take to deliver benefits to their organizations. Levine and Biernat will speak from the program management and premedia points of view, with an outlook on how participants and stakeholders can approach the topic. Attendees can participate in live polls, ask questions for end-of-session Q&As, and interact with speakers before and after the event.

“GMG has been very busy upgrading its product portfolio with impactful, new products, like GMG ColorCard,” commented Levine. “While it has been difficult to meet anyone in person, we can still provide helpful face-to-face conversions and offer ways that package printers can be even more productive while building accurate color.”