FQC LogoGreetings! I hope all of you enjoyed summer working, playing and getting some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Since Forum, our project teams have been wrapping up some final details and getting ready to continue trials at member companies. We’ve got new leadership on the High-Resolution Printing Project and welcome Brian Cook from MacDermid Graphics Solutions to the helm. The summer months are a challenge due to vacations and workload, but as we run toward fall, the momentum is building.

Fall Conference 2017

Speaking of fall, FTA’s Fall Conference 2017 is right around the corner! From a Flexo Quality Consortium (FQC) perspective, it’s very exciting! First, the Gary Hilliard Memorial Golf Tournament has been scheduled to tee off the Sunday before Fall Conference begins—Oct. 8! This very popular event is the major fundraiser for the scholarship and was moved to align with Fall Conference to give more members the opportunity to participate.

The Gary Hilliard FQC Scholarship is in the amount of $2,500 and is awarded annually. It seeks to support an undergraduate student’s proposed research project that is of value to the flexographic printing industry, follows scientific methodology and produces objective data to support its results. The recipient of this year’s scholarship, Chris Teachout of Central Piedmont Community College, proposed a research topic titled “Finding the Correlation of Floor Height & Minimum Dot Size.” So, get your foursomes ready and plan on attending and supporting this event while at Fall Conference in St. Louis!

And, if you have not reviewed the Fall Conference 2017 schedule, I urge you to do so soon! There is one entire day devoted to calibrating, fingerprinting, characterizing and controlling the production process, and analyzing the final print result. This is the technology, methodology and discipline used in FQC projects. You definitely do not want to miss this opportunity to see first-hand how you can apply these techniques in your own pressroom. See you there!

SWG Update

The summer of 2017 was less busy than the spring for the Standards Working Group (SWG). The ISO/TC 130 meetings were held June 4-11 at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The meetings were very well attended and Ryerson rolled out the red carpet for the TC. It seems our friends to the north want to be recognized as major supporters of the graphic reproduction industry.

The next meeting of the ISO TC 130 Graphic Arts standards committee is set for Dec. 4-9 in Surakarta (also known as Solo) in central Indonesia.

Working Group 1

The terminology working group has asked for the U.S. to initiate national adoption of ISO 5774, marks for document correcting by editors. It was also reported Adobe has tentatively accepted to incorporate the ISO editing marks into Acrobat using PDF 2.0. This will make it possible to edit documents in PDF and add internationally standard correction marks.

Working Group 2

The prepress data exchange group saw updates to:

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