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FORUM 2023 Session Spotlight

Tuesday, April 18, 2023
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
FQC: Respecting the Past While Focusing on the Future

Session Chairs: Jean Engelke, FQC Executive Committee Chair and Joe Riccardella, ABX Packaging

The Slate of Presenters:

FORUM 2023 headshot Jean Engelke
FORUM 2023 headshot Joe Riccardella

FORUM 2023’s Flexo Quality Consortium (FQC) Session, “Respecting the Past While Focusing on the Future,” is all about delivering research results.

Specifically, results that printers can use to examine their own operations to determine if their traditional practices are in step with the latest process developments and opportunities.

Here is a quick look at the agenda—from the projects and priorities addressing anilox roll cleaning and plate life assessment, to standards development surrounding enhanced color reproduction technology and an initiative designed to spotlight student accomplishments and the talent soon to enter the workforce.

Anilox Roll Cleaning

Anilox roll cleaning is critical to a repeatable result on press. Do you know how the method you use affects volume and resulting print density?

We’ll hear how various methods affect print density which will allow printers to look at their own process to determine if improvements can be made. Tackling this essential press variable and honing-in on actual results will lead to greater accuracy in delivering ink to the plate and subsequent substrate.

Plate Wear

We’ll also get results from an FQC project that looks at the age-old question regarding plate wear: Is the plate in good enough condition to put back on press? Time and time again, plates are put back in the press only to find they are not producing the original intent of the image. This wastes time and money. The press is not intended to be a proofer! This research focuses on the effects of solvent interaction, traditionally associated with swelling and eventual reduction of plate durometer. The results may surprise even the most conscientious plate handlers.

Impression pressure, between plate and substrate, as well as anilox roll, needs to be adjusted correctly to eliminate potential slurring. Traditionally, the flexographic industry has utilized a simple slur target to monitor slurring. The FQC project intends to determine whether we can take that target one step further and use it to easily evaluate when either impression pressure is negatively impacting the printing process and subsequent print quality by collecting real data. If so, this will allow the press operator to instantly determine which impression setting needs adjustment to reduce downtime and waste.

The Optimal Method

Printers, brand owners and prepress houses are always looking for color reproduction technology to match characterization data. Optimizing plate curves in your workflow is paramount to successful color reproduction. ISO/TS 10128:2009 will soon be updated to add The Optimal Method (demonstrated at FTA’s Fall Conference 2022), combining CMS and plate curves. This method of using data is applicable in all print segments.

FORUM 2023 preview Steve Smiley
Steve Smiley is among the presenters taking the stage during FORUM 2023’s FQC session.

We will review the data as well as the ease of use and success of this new method. Additional detail will be provided using CTV for process control. Getting operators excited about using instruments to control the process is a win-win!

Phoenix Challenge Winners

If there is one thing we do know, it is the fate of our industry relies on the current and next generation of our workforce to reimagine what flexography can do for our valued customers. Each year, the Phoenix Challenge Competition showcases the talent of the students who will be taking our industry to the next level.

Their project challenge dives into market research, project planning, design/prepress, operations and final product application with a real-world customer. They take what are traditional flexographic applications, and adapt and morph them into opportunities that may drive new business for the printer and end customer.

The scope and complexity of the projects will make printers rethink how they identify customers and the products they produce. Everyone will want to see the results our future workforce brings to the table.

Learn more about all FORUM 2023’s sessions and register to attend the conference at