Color Concerns

From color strength to color shift and flat out “incorrect color,” printers admitted such concerns can and do flare up. Their objective: keep them to a minimum. What do they do when such troubles occur?

How Do You Solve Color Strength & Density Issues?

[infogram id=”june-2018-flash-poll-solving-color-strengthdensity-issues-1h7j4do838ox2nr” prefix=”l8x”]

Thirty-three percent of printer participants in the Flash Poll indicated they adjust the ink when seeking to alleviate color strength/density issues. A very similar number, 32 percent, change out the anilox roll. Twenty-one percent switch to a different ink. Fourteen percent weigh other options.

How Do You Solve Color Shift Issues?

[infogram id=”june-2018-flash-poll-solving-color-shift-issues-1hdw2jgwzwjd2l0″ prefix=”Hdf”]

Color shift during the run pushed 35 percent to adjust the ink; 30 percent to check the anilox-to-plate and plate-to-substrate impression, 17 percent to make or order new plates and the remaining 18 percent to pursue other options.

How Do You Fix Color or Excessive Pull Issues?

[infogram id=”june-2018-flash-poll-incorrect-colorexcessive-pulls-issues-1h8n6mnd7d192xo” prefix=”lRI”]

Incorrect color and excessive color pulls at makeready drove 34 percent of the printer sample to resolve to find the root cause of the problem. Twenty-seven percent adjusted the ink, while 22 percent looked to blame the inkroom and 17 percent considered pointing at the press operator.

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