DELTA, CODIPCO, a leader in “Quick Change” ink pan liner systems, announced the rollout of disposable drip trays for Windmoeller & Hoelscher’s 57-in. Miraflex model. These drip trays, developed with ease-of-use in mind, are manufactured using a durable yet lightweight BOPET film material. Designed as an insert to be fitted into the OEM drip tray, the construction allows for watertight corners. Optional drain spouts, capable of sliding into OEM drain openings for superior draining capabilities, are available.

DIPCO drip tray Windmoeller & Hoelscher

The use of disposable inserts eliminates the process of washing metal drip trays. Clean-up takes seconds. Upon completing a production run, drain ink or coating material, remove the liner from the tray and dispose of it. Neither water resources nor harsh chemicals are required when utilizing tray inserts, compared to traditional cleaning methods used in today’s printing facilities. Inserts also prevent ink contamination caused by improperly washed pans and drain hoses, saving money on added ink expenditures.