Purchase Decision and Foil/Laminates

Another metric, purchase decision, measured how many participants chose to buy an item. In this study, the foil-stamped Swiss chocolate was purchased 23 percent more than the control, while the metallic Belgian chocolate was purchased 6 percent more than the control. Although in this case the metallic Belgian chocolate had less of an impact than the foil-stamped Swiss chocolate, these results still indicate the participants preferred to purchase the embellished packages in both cases.

“This particular study didn’t examine the effects of placing the products at different heights, but instead placed both the stimuli and control at the same height—below eye level—for equality of conditions,” says Richard. “This showed that, in a fair competition, the embellished product wins. However, we have done other studies in which products were moved around, and in the future, we may examine how an embellished product in a sub-optimal position compares to an unembellished product in an optimal one.”

Chocolate packaging with and without foil
The foil-stamped Swiss chocolate included in the study

Post-Experiment Questionnaire

After completing the test, each participant entered a debriefing to answer a post-experiment questionnaire, which revealed even further their preference for the foil-stamped and metallic packages. 

According to the study, the participants felt the metallic foils and laminates added a premium feel to the chocolate that represented a higher quality product. Responses included, “The foil-stamped version looks more elegant and expressive,” and “It gives it a more premium look and shows their attention to detail.”

A Consumer’s Choice

When all was said and done, the study revealed the participants had a higher preference for the enhanced packaging of each product—61 percent preferred the foil-stamped Swiss chocolate and 81 percent preferred the metallic carton of the Belgian chocolate—when they were compared side by side. When the participants were asked whether or not they would be inclined to purchase a foil-stamped chocolate package again, 69 percent said they would.

What does this say about consumers and packaging? At least when it comes to chocolate, the study indicates packaging that appears to be of higher quality may have an influence on someone’s decision to purchase one product over another. By examining where consumers look and for how long they stare, the study also shows foil-stamped and metallic packaging could help products stand out among other items. And the combination of preference and intent to purchase again may indicate consumers are willing to spend more.

“Our experience tells us that embellishments can be used to ‘premiumize’ a product, enabling it to command a higher price and actually enhancing margins,” Richard concludes.

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