Set to Run

Flexo Expert’s 2300mm (100-in) Concept gearless stack press

Control, monitor, adjust, customize, yet always remember to consider all variables. That recommendation comes from Joe Burgio, president, FlexoExpert. He believes when presses are configured with productivity in mind, “The job is more than 80 percent set to run, before the press moves.”

He explains, “FlexoExpert designs and constructs presses based on what a customer needs vs. a standard catalog item. For us, customization to best match the work is part of the press construction concept. Each press can be tailored individually to the customer’s needs—not chosen from a standard catalog item.”

“Print properly, automatically”—that is the principle around which Joe builds his list of essential considerations in buying a press. It includes:

“FlexoExpert’s press lineup includes five press series, from the 24-in. Compact CI through to the 2300 100-in. Concept Gearless Stack,” Joe reports. “FlexoExpert uses Indramat servos, complete sleeve technology, single-revolution register, various unwind and wind options, downstream and upstream print units, etc. One major highlight is its A3P automatic print pressure system.”

Stressing differentiating factors, Joe says, “Typical pressure setting control systems, found on other machines, work by using stored settings from previous jobs, and/or video cameras to set pressure and are part of a setup procedure. The weakness in those systems is that they rely on previously stored information from the control system, and/or video camera input the operator must judge to adjust print pressure. There is no consideration for variations in tape, plate thickness/wear or stock thickness changes. The A3P system takes into account theses variables and actively adjusts to print properly.”

Bearings & Benefits

The greater the rigidity of plate cylinder and anilox roll bearings, the lower the tendency to vibrations, specifically with demanding print designs, reflected in the Bobst 20 Six CS press.

“To ensure process consistency, a press should be equipped with automatic systems that correct the printing position dependent on speed, that control the temperature of the CI drum, and that compensate for dimensional variations of the side frames,” according to Todd Blumsack, vice president, business unit web-fed, Bobst North America Inc.

“User-friendly handling concepts should facilitate calibration at regular intervals.” He continues, “Modular design drying systems allow for adapting the dryer capacity to specific production requirements.”

Blumsack lists out essential considerations in two groups, with the first five relating to print quality and numbers six to 10 tied to productivity.

Related to print quality:

Related to productivity:

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