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Images courtesy of Interflex Laser Engravers

Improvements in laser technology, software, processing and ceramics have allowed anilox manufacturers to create new specialized patterns. These new patterns have added opportunities printers never had before. It can be a bit challenging when you are trying to order a new anilox for a project.

Do I go with a standard hex or with an elongated cell? Do I go with a channel or a tri-helical? What angle do I need? Do I stick with what I know or do I try something different? It can be overwhelming (see Image 1)!

I suggest you begin by talking with your anilox roll engraver. They should be able to provide you with information on the product they sell. When I am approached by a customer, I like to ask a few questions. I call them “The Whats.”

The Whats

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Once we have gone over these questions, we can get to work.

One of the most common issues I come across is with white inks. The two questions I most often hear asked are “How can I increase my density?” and “How do I fix my pinholing issue?” Here are some of the recommendations Interflex Laser Engravers has given to help our customers with these issues.

Increasing White Density

Density is the perceived darkness of a substance, material or image which is caused by the absorption or reflection of light encroaching on the material. In printing terms: it’s the “POP” that catches your eye.

The more light the image can absorb, the better the density. Density improvements can be accomplished in many ways. Ink, plates, substrate preparation, volume and smoothness of the ink layer—all of these factor into the density of the image. We have several slight changes as well as cell configurations that have proven effective for white density improvement. It is important to make recommendations based on the information gathered in “The Whats.” Here are a few examples of changes we have used to improve cell density:


Pinholing, a common print defect in flexographic and gravure printing processes, is represented by an incomplete ink film comprised of small holes. These are caused by the ink’s failure to wet the entire surface of the substrate. In printer’s terms: “Your overall is not over all.”

There are actually two types of pinholing: chemical and mechanical. I am going to cover mechanical, as this is the one that can be attributed to the anilox roll. Keep in mind that pinholing can be caused by plates, inks and drying techniques.

Here are some of the recommendations to cure mechanical pinholing:

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We are commonly asked to help with a specific issue related to ultraviolet (UV) inks. Anyone who has ever been involved with UV inks knows the issue: How do you prevent spitting?

Spitting is caused when the UV ink gets on the wrong side of the doctor blade. This builds up until it is released and ends up places it does not need to be. There has been a lot of discussion about why this happens. We know that although the anilox roll, doctor blade, chamber pressure, temperature and speed have an effect on spitting, the UV ink itself is the main contributor. The advantages that make UV ink so attractive also make it difficult to work with. Here are some recommendations for this issue:

Interflex Laser Engravers believes each customer’s issue or request for improvement should be handled as a unique situation. What works for one does not always work for another. There are many variables that can make each case unique. Process, environment, substrate, procedures, housekeeping and maintenance all will play a role. The recommendations provided in this article should be discussed with your anilox engraver.

About the Author: Mickey Bower is the technical manager at Interflex Laser Engravers. He has more than 30 years of experience in the printing industry: a decade of service at Southern Graphic Systems Inc in Louisville, KY from 1986 to 1996, and 22 years at Interflex Laser Engravers from 1996 to present.