The selection of FTA members to receive the annual President’s Award distinction is the result of a collaborative process that takes into consideration a variety of factors, all focusing on individuals who have demonstrated a strong support of the core values that FTA/FFTA advocates.
This organization has consistently advanced and prospered as the result of a dedicated volunteer base representing committed individuals who see the value of offering their time and talent for the collective good of the flexographic business community. Leaders don’t wait to be asked. They don’t take their commitments lightly. They formulate their action plan and see themselves involved in areas that best utilize their talents. As a result, the entire industry benefits!
As a graduate of Clemson University, Kevin has always recognized the importance of education and continues to support it through his active participation as a Phoenix Challenge College Competition judge, in addition to serving as mentor both at Clemson and the Memphis Institute of Leadership Education. In the pages of FLEXO Magazine, he has shared his extensive prepress expertise helping all members of the supply chain understand what it takes to achieve excellence in print. Kevin assists FTA and its members whenever and wherever he can…and for that we sincerely recognize him for his commitment and service!
If you’ve attended FORUM or Fall Conference over the years, you have no doubt witnessed Catherine on stage, most likely adding a little levity to her presentation or session. A recurrent speaker or session chair, she firmly believes that educational programs don’t have to be dry as dust in order to be effective. Along the way, Catherine offers her time and talent as a member/chair of the FLEXO Editorial Advisory Committee as well as on workforce development projects where she is actively involved in the area of mentorship within the FTA Women of Flexo initiative. A huge thank you to Catherine for always answering the call and stepping up when needed!
Delivering value to the FTA membership is important to Laura and understanding member needs is critical to fulfilling that charge. Serving as the current Chair of the FTA Membership Committee, she has found this to be a perfect opportunity to apply her business skills to foster association membership development. And, demonstrating her commitment at the highest level of FTA leadership, Laura finishes her second year as Chair-Elect on the FFTA Board of Trustees, as she will soon be elevated to FFTA Board Chair for the coming two years. Always an absolute pleasure to work with wherever she commits her time and talent, it’s an understatement to say, Laura, you’re making a big difference through your efforts!
With this being my final year selecting candidates to receive an FTA President’s Award, I would be remiss if I didn’t give an honorary award to the people throughout the years that have definitely contributed to my success…members of the FTA staff past and present. True to the adage—You’re Only As Good As Your Team—I give a standing ovation to the collective members of my team from start to finish. I particularly thank my two mentors and predecessors as president—George Parisi and Bill Dowdell. Two very different individuals, yet both having a great deal to offer when it came to association management!
Here’s hoping they’re writing about you next year!
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