2019 Recipients Exemplify Diversity of Talent Within FTA Membership
The criteria that is employed to select individuals for the annual FTA President’s Award is flexible, for sure. This was a conscious decision made way back when—in 1991, when the tribute was originally established—to allow for the year-to-year recognition of a wide variety of talents that provides a valuable benefit to this organization directly, as well as to the worldwide flexographic business community.
Looking at the list of past recipients documents the diversity of individual talent and the variety of contributions these people have made, with the goal of enhancing the value FTA provides to member companies.

Katie Graham, marketing and communications manager at Pamarco, personifies the positive energy and commitment to excellence that is very deserving of recognition as this year’s first FTA President’s Award recipient. It’s easy to volunteer for a number of projects with the intention of devoting your time and talent to their goals as best as your professional and personal situation allows. But to make these commitments and consistently deliver on promises made, truly separates leaders from the rest of the pack. Katie has been an active member of the FTA Supplier Leadership Council, Membership Committee and Emerging Leaders Committee over the past few years; delivering value to existing members (especially printer members) and honing the Association’s appeal to future members have been high on her priority list.
Katie has recently joined the newly formed “Women in Flexo” initiative that is holding its inaugural meeting at Forum 2019—assisting Dr. Nona Woolbright as co-chair. In reviewing a few recent emails concerning the group’s formation, there was one common theme expressed at the end of each message: “How can I help?” Also, as an expert judge in the FTA Excellence in Flexography Awards Competition, Katie’s perspective on the experience reflects on how she views her involvement in FTA activities: “I appreciate the exposure to so many different areas of print. Most of all, the experienced team of judges I get to work with has made a big impact on me. Working with a legend like Arleen Neustein, hearing her perspective as a woman within this industry (and before it was cool to be a woman in this industry) has been a privilege.” I assure you, Katie, the privilege is all ours. Thank you for all that you do with a smile on your face!
Dr. Danny Rich, senior color physicist in the Color Research Laboratory of the Sun Chemical Corporation, has been an integral part of the Flexo Quality Consortium (FQC). As one of the earliest supporters, and a founding member, of the Standards Working Group (SWG), Danny stepped up to lead the team when needed. And, most recently, he has joined the FQC Executive Committee—a natural fit given his insight, knowledge and participation within the standards organizations directly touch the continued work of the FQC and often lead its project subject matter. Past President’s Award recipient and chair of the FQC Executive Committee, Jean Engelke, endorsed Danny as having, “the unique ability to break down very complex technical concepts and present them to FTA members so that they are able to understand them and, often times, do so with a high degree of humor and entertainment.” FTA Hall of Fame member and fellow standards expert, Steve Smiley, stated very simply that, “Danny is one of the smartest people I know. He’s my go-to guy in the world of color.” Coming from Steve, that’s really a powerful endorsement!

An ongoing contributor to FLEXO Magazine on the progress of the SWG and its impact on the flexo industry, Danny most recently published an outstanding article in the April issue titled, “The Lengthy, Specific & Complicated Process to Codify an International Standard.” In opening the article, he states that developing standards “may seem like wizardry or perhaps something darker,” but, in reality, simply takes a great deal of expertise, commitment and patience, all three qualities embodied by Danny as a recognized industry leader in the very important area of color measurement for graphic reproduction. Your commitment is inspiring and very much appreciated, Danny!
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