The Flexo Quality Consortium (FQC) was formed in 1990 as the official research committee of the FFTA, and it has remained a very important organizational initiative for the past 27 years. The current program chair, and this year’s first recipient of the FTA President’s Award, Jean Engelke of RR Donnelley, has diligently led this group of dedicated volunteers since 2013.

Jean Engelke 2017 FTA President's Award
Engelke, right, with FTA President Mark Cisternino, receives the FTA President’s Award at Forum 2017’s Annual Awards Banquet.

Over the years, Jean has always been an active participant in the FQC and an ardent supporter of technical research as a means of driving the industry forward and advancing the scientific projects that serve to create a better understanding of the factors controlling the quality of the flexographic printing process. In her leadership role, Jean has effectively managed the activities of the FQC Executive Team, which, in turn, oversees all activities of the various FQC project teams.

Her effective communication skills have served her well over the years as the FQC has established itself as a vital source for technical information. That information has been utilized throughout the industry by FTA member companies to continue building on technical advancements and creating new opportunities for the flexo process to grow in significance within the worldwide package printing marketplace.

Jean’s involvement in FTA activities has been diverse, as she has served as judge in the Excellence in Flexography Awards Competition, has organized the Annual Forum as co-chair and chair in 2009 and 2010, respectively, and, most recently, joined the FTA Board of Directors and FFTA Board of Trustees with her three-year term of office commencing this week.

Jean is a very good friend of FTA and one of its strongest proponents. Thank you, Jean, for your dedication in carrying the research flag as FTA has grown in stature and prominence throughout the package printing community.

Our second FTA President’s Award honoree has been an ardent supporter and exceptional, long-time close friend of FTA, representing Latin American flexographers’ interests for many years. For longer than most can remember, El Señor Luis Novaro, president of Distribuidora Gráfica Novaro, has been viewed as a recognized leader within the FTA Spanish-speaking flexographic community, serving their best interests through providing a variety of educational opportunities, whether it be organizing seminars, translating and publishing training materials, or serving on the FTA Board of Directors and FFTA Board of Trustees for six years as a conduit to create a strong bond between FTA member companies in the U.S. and those in Mexico, Central and South America.

Luis Novaro 2017 FTA President's Award
Novaro, left, with FTA President Mark Cisternino, receives the FTA President’s Award at Forum 2017’s Annual Awards Banquet.

As a determined organizing partner of numerous educational FTA co-sponsored seminar programs in Mexico—most notably focusing on communicating the principles espoused in Flexographic Image Reproduction Specifications & Tolerances (FIRST)—Luis has dedicated immeasurable company resources—both financial as well as through the commitment of many members of his team—to support his magnanimous efforts to improve flexographic print quality and enhance the stature of the Latin American community within the FTA membership. Through his steadfast commitment, Luis has assumed the responsibility (and cost) of translating and publishing multiple versions of FIRST into Spanish—most recently version 5.0—to continue his drive to educate the community that makes up an increasingly vital segment of the global marketplace.

Luis has been a proactive contributor on a number of diverse FTA initiatives including serving on the Editorial Advisory Board for FLEXO Español, while also authoring several articles, partnering on the development of a unique educational software training program and generally serving as a long-time goodwill ambassador for the betterment of many individuals over many years.

¡Nuestra asociación y más importante, nuestra amistad representa algo bien significativo para este presidente. Luis, muchas gracias por siempre tomar la iniciativa y de generosamente ofrecer su tiempo y su gran talento para ayudar a la comunidad Latinoamericana de Flexografía!