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Excellence in Flexography Awards Committee

The Excellence in Flexography Awards Committee is comprised of industry members who oversee the annual competition.

Each member of the Excellence in Flexography Awards Committee is tasked with overseeing one of the five teams of judges:

A Committee member guides their group of judges through the process of evaluating entries in the Excellence in Flexography Awards, including dividing the group into two halves to examine either Level of Execution or Degree of Difficulty, explaining the scoring system and settling any disputes. Additionally, Committee members assist in the development and maintaining of the Excellence in Flexography Awards competition policy (including rules and regulations), judge qualifications and judging procedure.

Learn More About the Excellence in Flexography Awards →

The Excellence in Flexography Awards Committee Chair

Excellence in Flexography Awards Committee Alix Guyot

Alix Guyot

tesa tape

The Excellence in Flexography Awards Committee Chair

Alix Guyot

tesa tape

Membership on the Excellence in Flexography Awards Committee is a



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