GIRONA, SpainComexi, a global leader in the flexible packaging industry, held a seminar in São Paulo, Brazil, with almost 100 professionals from 32 companies participating. The event, held at the Holiday Inn Parque Anhembi Hotel in São Paulo, was led by Comexi and the Manel Xifra Boada Technology Center (CTec).

Comexi sent its best technicians and specialists to give lectures on the new global solutions for a flexible packaging market.

Jeroen Van der Meer, CEO of Comexi, welcomed all participants to the seminar. Marc Boadas, general director of Comexi in Brazil, then took the floor to stress the growth opportunities that flexible packaging has in the Brazilian market, which is beginning to take its first steps. He also commented on its global trends, as well as the opportunities of the different agents of the sector.

“The flexible packaging market is economically healthy for industrial monitoring because it has a historical and future annual growth of more than 5 percent per year,” said Marc, who also highlighted that “the South American market has an annual consumption of flexible packaging per capita less than U.S. $8, while Europe has U.S. $24 and the United States U.S. $63.”

Eduard Sala, CTec specialist in prepress, focused his two speeches on color management and extended gamut management.

The seminar also included a speech by André Pérez, sales manager of Comexi in Brazil, who led the flexo presentation with a detailed explanation of the company’s core business. André stressed that the market today demands sustainable processes and short runs.

“The short time of activity of the teams and the difficulty of finding experts in printing means that more and more machines must be more self-sufficient and automatic,” said André. 

Albert Torrent, brand manager of Comexi’s slitting business unit, explained the changes that are taking place in society and that more and more needs are required, which is different from those of years ago, and forces the creation of packaging to be adapted to the market. Ángel Tudela, technical director of Comexi in Brazil, discussed the various solutions in lamination, with solvents, without solvents and water-based. Afterwards, Marc took the floor to present offset technology.

The day ended with a round table. Eduard Sala (CTec), Clodoaldo Neto (general director of TotalFlex, a company with a close relationship with Comexi, which has only Comexi machines in their facilities) and Aislan Baer (director of ProjetoPack, one of the most well-known magazines in Brazil, and consultant) took part in this one. The three speakers debated five frequent questions in extended gamut and answered the public’s doubts.

The event was sponsored by some of Comexi’s main partners, leading companies such as DuPont, Rossini, Apex International, AVT, Daetwyler, Esko, ESI, Altech and Sun Chemical.

“In this seminar, we had the opportunity to share the technical knowledge in the extended gamut, and how our portfolio of machines can enhance this process. And all this, with the participation of the most important Brazilian companies in the flexible packaging sector,” said Marc.